Episode 1.2: The Vestibule
A page from Anna-Georgina’s journal reading:
May 18-The Vestibule
Original Oak Flooring
Brass hooks on walls -> added
White Hall Paint-original-check
Hall Echo -> Can hear Maryann upstairs
Drafty spot in front of front stairs
Elevator -> Obvious later addition
Iron cage around elevator-faux Victorian (In my opinion, a bit too much, if I may be permitted this single editorialization -AZP)
Across the bottom there are several drawings
A domed window over a double door. Between the window and the door are the initials L. H. A note with an arrow asks “Who or what is L.H?” The drawing also has the notes “Window over front door” and “Glass double door”
A block pattern with the note “Decorative block on the front stair bannister”
A drawing of a plaque that reads “Ellis Field Normal School 1885” with the note “Plaque on display between classrooms 1-A and 1-B”