A watercolor circle washed in shades of purple with the words "Lavender Evening Fog" in white.

Lavender Evening Fog

The reason you are likely here. Listen to the episodes or go to a specific season, read transcripts, explore content notes and tea pairings.

Phonic Fiction Fest October 2022 Entry

We had 48 hours to write and produce an audiodrama story with the assigned genre of Horror-Fantasy, a given sound effect, and the line “You could have at least lied to me.”

Featuring Victoria Dickman-Burnett as the woman and Tony Barrett as the man.

A woman and a man meet in a festival of lights and art, but all is not as it seems.

Gazebofest! Live show

Recorded Live at The Comet on August 24th, 2023, this show features the LEF crew with some new friends at Ellis Field’s annual Gazebo-themed festival. Click the image to listen, read the program, and watch the trailer.

Note: This episode doesn’t fall within the strict continuity of LEF, but it is best to listen once you have at least finished Season 3.


For Teavent 2024, we are launching Curation, a unique audio drama, featuring audio story fragments inspired by the tea in the advent calendar. Curation is a stand-alone podcast and an experiment in non-linear storytelling.

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark PI

A Serial Play by Victoria Dickman-Burnett, Part of Serials! At the Know Theatre

Episodes Jan 27, Feb 10, Feb 24, Mar 10, Mar 24 at the Know Theatre, 7:30 PM. Purchase tickets in advance online at knowtheatre.com

After solving (sort of) his father’s murder, Hamlet decides to become a private investigator. Shakespeare meets Agatha Christie meets Scooby Doo (insert “Great Dane” joke here).

The word "Dramaturgy" on a background of blue, purple, and pink clouds


Victoria is the resident dramaturg for Cincinnati Unrehearsed, a Shakespeare troupe with a focus on making Shakespeare accessible to the community. Unrehearsed does not mean unprepared, and our actors are trained in Shakespearean acting techniques and stage a performance using cue scripts.