Lavender Evening Fog Season 1 Victorian Header

Episode 0.1: Elevator Speech

Image description: A notebook page with writing cross hatched across it. It reads:

Elevator Speech Notes

Talking Points

  1. Late 19th/Early 20th Century School Architecture

  2. Normal Schools

  3. Transition between 1 room to larger schools [note: there are paired arrows between 2 and 3 that say ‘switch’]

  4. Mention moving into school as interesting anecdote?

  5. Give up on networking, run to forest, never to be heard from again

Below it, scrawled at an angle “Who are Lucy + Algernon Hobbes?”

In a box, off to the right side of the page:

Conference Packing List

  1. Presentation handouts

  2. Outfit for presenting

  3. Business Cards

  4. Laptop

  5. Tea

Below the box: Email grad school friends, see who will be there!

To the left side of the page, written as if she had turned the book vertically

note: Look over exhibit hall map and identify academic presses to talk with before leaving